Carburetor any better ... ?

Many will use a modified motor carburetor TS125 type on their machines. More powerful they said. In my opinion, using TS125 carburetor this is true will improve motor performance, but do not forget 'fuel consumption' you may also be increased. What is important is a setting to correct carburetor. Make sure you tune ' your carburetor on an experienced mechanic. (Sometimes you can even create your own as well).

Customize carburetor carburetor TS125 is not limited to it, but you can try other types of carburetor match as RX, Kips and the most powerful is the carburetor equipped with powerjet. But I have also asked that I join the forums, their opinion more redikal again.

"Hmm, TS 's only boys toys, you need to try different types Mikuni 38mm".
That's the suggestion from otai-otai forum. I personally have seen this visual 38mm Mikuni carburetor, it is powerful.
You dare ? Try it for yourself ...

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